Tails of the World™ is an international collective of professional pet photographers working together to celebrate our local dogs while fundraising for animals in need (Read about the project here).
I have completed my fundraising sessions and now have three spots to fill in my chapter with my favourite photos from my past client sessions – but there are so many I love that I need help narrowing them down!
Unfortunately not all sessions or photos from every session qualify as there are very specific requirements for book project photographs, so I have selected my favourite finalists that meet all the criteria and also match the aesthetics of the other photos in my chapter.
Your gorgeous dog I mentioned in my text was one of the finalists I would love to include in my chapter in Tails of the World™.
There is no cost for you to participate!
Each of the finalists will be voted on by the public and the three with the highest votes will be included in the book!
If you would like your dog to be included, please fill in this brief form without delay – there is a strict deadline and voting will commence ASAP.
You will be notified as soon as voting opens so you can share the voting page with your family and friends.
All voters have the chance to enter the draw for a Photoshoot Package with Three Red Ponies valued at $435!