Is your horse or dog (or other pet) model material?
Everyone admires a beautiful animal, but sometimes the superstars I need for a special project or commercial shoot are the ones with character, confidence with new situations, willingness to please their handlers and perhaps special skills or tricks.
Horse, dog and pet photography models submitted to the database may be called on for commercial jobs, editorial work, stock library images, photography competitions or other special projects, so if this sounds like something you might be interested in please read the criteria below and submit an application form (one per animal please).
Horse, dog and pet criteria:
- Flexibility to attend my farm studio in Boyup Brook (south west WA).
- Any age, size and breed or mixed breed may apply.
- Must have good manners and not be aggressive to other animals or people.
- No prior modelling experience required – preference for modelling jobs may be given to animals I have previously worked with.
- Weekday availability is desirable (but not essential).
Submission of the application form signifies you, the owner, understand and agree to the following:
- These photo sessions are NOT the normal TRP private client experience.
- Submission indicates you are the legal owner and are 18 years or over.
- Inclusion in the database does not guarantee selection for a photo session.
- Payment for modelling varies depending on the project and may be vouchers, digital files, prints or pet related products.
- Owners will be required to sign a model/property release and commercial use agreement.
- Applicant details will be maintained indefinitely in a private database that is solely for use by Three Red Ponies.
- Your email will be added to the TRP monthly email newsletter to ensure contact details are kept up to date.
- You must be willing to handle your horse, dog or pet for the duration of the shoot if required. You do not need to be included in the photos if you don’t want to.
This is not a modelling agency, applications are for use by Three Red Ponies Pet Photography only.
This form is best completed on computer. Some phones won’t allow photo uploads which are essential to complete this form – no email submissions sorry!
Select the correct form for your pet’s application – One animal per form