While I am technically still on holidays (the first since 2007 that I have officially booked into my calendar in advance), I have had the chance to finalise one of the major projects that I have been working on for a very long time.have been working on for a very long time.
One of the services I offer is commercial photography for equine, rural and agri business such as horse, cattle and sheep studs and livestock fodder companies. I am working with more equine related businesses each year and will be offering the same service to dog and pet related businesses in 2019.
Commercial projects are often required on a short time frame which can prove a bit of a challenge to arrange and co-ordinate when models also need to be found, so I have created a database to register suitable applicants interested in modelling for my commercial work. Commercial projects often have very specific requirements for the models needed for the shoot, so having a private database on hand will make it easier for me to scout appropriate talent and also shorten the lead time for my commercial clients.
From time to time I also have a need for specific models for special projects, competition entries or testing new equipment or techniques that it is not appropriate to do in private client sessions.
This database is for private use by Three Red Ponies and is NOT a talent agency.
These sessions are not the normal Three Red Ponies client experience and depending on the individual shoot, owners are reimbursed with cash, product or watermarked web sized images. Owners will be able to see the final photos and have the opportunity to purchase if they like, although this will not always be possible with commercial jobs due to licencing restrictions.
My Horse and Dog Model Database will be an ongoing project, this is not a competition and there is no deadline for application submission. If you have a horse or dog that you think is model material and are located in Western Australia, head to the application page for more model criteria and submit your application.
Applications must meet the criteria to be accepted and there is no guarantee that your horse or dog will meet the criteria or be chosen for a photo shoot – it may take months or a year or more before your horse or dog has the required criteria for a given project. Previous clients are welcome to apply and whenever possible model shoots will be given to horses or dogs who I have already worked with because I will know if they meet the project brief or not.