South West Dedicated Horse, Dog & Pet Photography Studio

Three Red Ponies photography on farm Studio in Boyup Brook
The view from my studio verandah

I’ve been a professional pet photographer for many years, my first ever paid dog photography session was way back in 2003. During that time I’ve photographed many dogs of all breeds, mixed breeds and sizes along with a variety of other pets (and of course horses). I have always been a travelling photographer and never wanted a physical studio. Until now 🙂

Years ago I used to train my own dogs in agility and obedience and and competed at dog shows before my kids were born, so naturally my first event photography was covering dog shows, obedience and agility trials way back when Dogs West was called the Canine Association of Western Australia.

For decades I was a dedicated natural light photographer, always travelling to locations for photo sessions. But in 2017/18 I came across the work of photographers in multiple genres that were producing the most incredible artistic work both indoor and outdoor with studio lighting and my fascination with working with light began.

Creating black backgrounds with studio lighting for my horse photography was a big learning curve, not many pet photographers did studio work with horses when I first started (most still don’t), there wasn’t really anyone to learn from so it was definitely a process of trial and error, one that I found absolutely fascinating.

I also started teaching myself studio photography for dogs and other pets (with an emphasis on the hilarious ‘dog catching treats’ photos), which for client work meant lugging all my photography equipment as well as my studio lights and backdrops to my on location sessions.

Even then, I had no intention of ever planning to have a physical studio.

Lesson learned, never say never!

Three Red Ponies on farm Studio

Fast forward a few years and we are in the process of turning the self contained cottage on our farm in Boyup Brook into a photography studio.

As far as I am aware, it will be the only dedicated Pet Photography Studio in the South West and Great Southern areas, and it may well be the only dedicated pet photography studio in the whole of Western Australia that caters to small pets like dogs, cats and reptiles as well as horses (and other livestock if the need arises)!

I’m super excited to be able to photograph dogs again as I have had to take a break from them for the past couple of years due to knee injuries that make it difficult to do a full session outdoors (photographing dogs involves a lot of getting lower than their eye level ie laying and kneeling on the ground). With having an indoor studio I can use a raised stage and props like chairs to help protect my knees for most of the shoot before we go outside for outdoor photos.

The building was formerly my art studio when we first moved to Boyup Brook, then our eldest lived in it for a couple of years before moving to Perth, but this is by far the most exciting thing we have done with it.

Its going to take a little while to get it ready for our first clients, but when we open in late September we will be able to offer our clients the best of both worlds with both indoor studio (smaller pets) as well as natural light outdoor photos in the garden and grounds outside, and for our horse photography clients (and any other large animals that can travel to us), studio black background portraits will also be available.

The studio will also allow me to expand the horse, dog and pet remote product photography service I already offer, where pet businesses around the country can send their products to me to photograph remotely.

I am very happy to offer our On-farm Studio Photography to all parts of Australia, especially the South West of Western Australia including locations like Boyup Brook, Bridgetown, Nannup, Manjimup, Kojonup, Donnybrook and all other locations of WA.

Follow on Facebook and insta for studio updates – I can’t wait to show you the transformation from farm cottage to dedicated pet photography studio!

Three Red Ponies on Facebook on Instagram

Three Red Ponies photography on farm Studio in Boyup Brook
Three Red Ponies photography on farm Studio in Boyup Brook
Three Red Ponies Studio in Boyup Brook
On farm photography by Three Red Ponies

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