Giving back – Photography Fundraising for drought stricken farmers
Like many people over the past months, I’ve seen distressing photos and videos of drought stricken Aussie farms, the skeletons of livestock dead from starvation and dehydration.
The exhausted faces of farmers desperately fighting to keep their remaining livestock and themselves alive and the harrowing stories of those who just cannot face another day.
I don’t know about you, but I am disgusted at the way our elected government is hell bent on sending our farmers to the wall, ignoring the plight of the very people who put food on our plates. The ones keeping the Australian economy alive and apparently the only ones trying to keep Australian land owned by Australians.
I live in a farming community. I know first hand how generous farmers are when times are tough and someone needs a hand and I think all of us here in WA are fully aware that it could just as easily be us facing drought.
After many years of serious health issues in my family, unfortunately, I don’t have the funds to personally buy truckloads of hay to help farmers keep their animals alive.
But I can use my photography for fundraising and doing my bit to help fellow Australians and their livestock to survive this drought.
I have been in contact with a number of the farm charities working with drought stricken farmers to discuss the project I have in mind and will announce the details as soon as I can (before advertising that I am fundraising for a registered charity, official Letters of Authority to do so are required).
Until then, please, please donate to any of the registered charities that are supporting the families and communities battling this drought.
Every cent counts and your donation lets our farmers know that the Australian people support them – even when our government doesn’t.
And for anyone who may have something negative to say…please enjoy your dinner tonight. I’m sure you grew, hunted, gathered, collected and made it yourself.