When you are investing in a professional photography session for your horse, it’s important to take some time to prepare for the session so that both you and your horse enjoy the experience together and you end up with beautiful artwork that you absolutely adore.
All Three Red Ponies Photography clients receive a fully comprehensive Welcome Guide that covers everything you need to know to ensure you get the most from your session.
These are some common mistakes you can easily avoid when planning your equine photoshoot.
1. Not exercising your horse.
A light lunge on the morning of your session will allow your horse to stretch his legs and burn off some energy which will make it easier for him to stay calm for the photography session.

2. Not feeding your horse.
Giving your horse a small feed or at least a hay net earlier in the day will make him less inclined to want to graze during your session. This is particularly important if other horses nearby will be fed their dinner during your photoshoot.

3. Completely changing the horses schedule on the day of the session.
Horses are creatures of habit, so if your horse is in a strict routine, try to stick to it as close as possible during the day.

4. Trying something new for the first time with your horse at the photoshoot.
If you plan to wear a long dress or want to canter bareback across the paddock for your photos, then you need to practice this before your session to make sure your horse is comfortable with the idea.

5. Not washing your horse.
The camera picks up every little detail, so for the best results in your photos dust, mud, dirt and poo stains need to be removed and any white markings scrubbed clean for your photoshoot.

6. Not applying bug spray on your horse
Flies, mozzies and midgies drive horses up the wall and make it uncomfortable for them to stand patiently while we take photos. Keep it handy in case we need to -re-apply during the session.
We may not be able to get rid of the bugs and flies, but your horse will be happier if they aren’t bothering him.

7. Leaving everything to the last minute
Flies, mozzies and midgies drive horses up the wall and make it hard for them to stand patiently while we take photos.
We may not be able to get rid of the bugs and flies, but your horse will be happier if they aren’t bothering him.

8. Hiring a photographer who doesn’t personally know & understand horses
This is probably the biggest mistake you can make when planning a photo shoot with your horse. Horses are big, fast, reactive animals and things can go wrong in the blink of an eye.
It might seem like a photographer’s job is just to click a button, however creating quality photographs, guiding clients through the session and helping them feel comfortable in front of the camera takes considerable concentration from the photographer.
When a horse is added to the mix, the photographer also needs to be aware of horse and human safety as well as read the horse’s body language to know when to offer the horse a break.
Knowing how to safely get the horse’s attention, how to desensitise your horse safely to equipment, why facial expression and ears are so important to us horse people, what poses are flattering (and very unflattering) for horses as well as the nuances between disciplines make the difference been an amazing photograph and a very ordinary (or unflattering) one.
The photographer also needs technical knowledge as to what equipment is flattering to horses and from a legal point of view, the Public Liability insurance many generalist photographers have will not necessarily cover you or them when horses are involved.

A photography session with your horse is an investment not only in dollars but also in your time and your memories. Hopefully, this will help you avoid these 8 common mistakes so you can make the best of your equine photo shoot and end up with beautiful photo’s that you will treasure forever.
Would you love beautiful photographs of your horse so you can remember the special connection you share forever?
Book an obligation-free phone call to discuss your ideas and find out how we can capture the special relationship you share with your horse in beautiful artwork that will last a lifetime.